Not only are grapes tasty, but they are *very* good for you as well! Grapes are full of vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Folic Acid. They are also full of antioxidants and flavonoids which help protect our bodies from things we don't like such as aging, heart disease, neurological disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.
If you've never had them, frozen grapes are an amazingly sweet, healthy snack. Eating them is a lot like eating candy (not kidding!). To make frozen grapes, simply buy a bunch of any type of seedless grape that you like, remove the individual grapes from their stems, wash in a strainer, and the bag them in single serving ziplock bags. Place the bags in the freezer for at least a few hours, and then enjoy one serving at a time!
great idea! :) I'll try that! thanks for sharing!
i love frozen grapes, too!
i've never tried them frozen.
definitely will have to now.
I looooove grapes! Specially when they are frozen!
Frozen grapes sound so good right now, specially now that it's getting warmer here in LA.
After lots of experimenting with fruit, i've discovered that most fruits taste really good when frozen or cold. Like frozen mangos tastes like sorbets/ice cream. and cold bananas are delicious!
My dad eats frozen grapes practically everyday, and adds them to his protein shakes :-)
I love frozen grapes!! They make awesome "fancy" ice cubes. :-)
would you believe that reading this gave me chills?! I have very sensitive teeth, so biting into anything cold/frozen gives me major chills. ha! but I LOVE grapes and putting them in smoothies would be awesome. :)
Great reminder! I used to LOVE frozen grapes... just haven't bought them in so long. Too good!
I'm going to try frozen grapes! They sound really good.
Mmm frozen grapes are awesome
I've tried the frozen grape thing. I must be the only person who isn't impressed by it. To me it's just a grape.. but colder! lol
The first time I had a frozen grape was when my frige went haywire and froze everything! They were really good, and my kids loved them too!
BTW, I received my snack foods gift today and it is wonderful! Thank you so much!
Jeremy's just obnoxious on his own. I have no idea where he came from. :)
I think these grapes are better for human health.
I LOVE to do this.
so does the rest of my family.
its soooo good.
I'm linking your blog on my page BTW.
love it
OMG. LOVE frozen grapes! This is one of my favorite treats this summer. :) I'll have to experiment with other fruits.
Let's be honest here. Regular old room-temperature grapes are just OK. Nothing to get excited about. In my whole life, I never tried frozen grapes until this year. On a whim I just experimented with a bag and popped 'em in the freezer. Superb! Fifty-one years old, and nobody ever told me about frozen grapes. Now I realize I've led a deprived life. Of course, now I've become a frozen grape addict.
Thanks! This would make a wonderful low calorie desert when I'm craving something sweet.
As a child, I learned to freeze them in a bit of lemon juice. It gives them a little bit of a sweet and sour taste and is very refreshing.
a reccomendation for grown ups, puncture a fairly deep hole with a narrow point/neck and soak the grapes in limoncillo, then freeze. The alcohol will not fully freeze but it nonethless leaves it's mark! Delightful
I had a iced grape was when my fridge went haywire and froze everything! They were actually good, and my children loved them too
I never thought of freezing grapes. It really should be seedless. I'll try once to freeze grapes and see what happens :)
Good read thnx.
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