To quote the box, the Annie's bunny fruits have "no icky additives or pesky preservatives in them," and are all-natural and organic. They also have going for them that each packet has 100% daily value of Vitamin C! Each packet is also fat free. They come in a "Berry Patch" flavor -- with strawberry, cherry and raspberry bunnies and a "Tropical" flavor -- with mango-peach, tropical punch and orange flavored bunnies. They are both available at Whole Foods.
I keep a few little bags of the bunnies in my desk at work. I don't eat them that often, but every once in a while I do get a sugar craving at about 4:00, and I find this hits the spot (vs. the other foods that are readily available).
wooooo... Annie's also make fruit snacks??? Their products are great in general, I'm sure this one won't be the exception! ;)
Love those!!
Those sound good! I love the Annie's bunny crackers. I've yet to see these, I'll have to keep an eye out for them!
OMG - i have to find these. I love gummy stuff...and used to eat the welch's fruit snacks all the time.
ooh i had no clue annie's made fruit snacks! mm :)
Those are so cute!
These looks really good.
Yum. My kids love these too.
Annie's makes fruit snacks!?
My life just improved, hahah. I am going to have to pick these up whenever I spot them. They sound yummy!
Be careful. Annie's snacks are high in sodium
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