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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yummy Diet Food Snack Pack Giveaway

Yummy Diet Food Snack PackHello and Happy Tuesday! So, I've been blogging now for about 10 wonderful months, and since then I've received several emails from you about having difficulty finding some of the foods that I blog about about in your local area. So, I thought today I'd do something different and hold my own giveaway in an effort to send a package of five yummy snacks that I've featured on the blog to a loyal reader! :)

So, what's in the Yummy Diet Food Snack Pack? Some of my favorite snacks of course!

low calorie cheese puffs(1) One large bag of Snikiddy Grilled Cheese Puffs: On top of being healthy, these organic cheese puffs are a perfect blend of cheese flavor and crunch, making them a really fun and satisfying treat/snack to eat. One portion is only 120 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 1 gram of fiber, and 3 weight watchers points (I know, I wish it was 2, but just not enough fiber). And, they are gluten free!

funky monkey freeze dried fruit(2) One bag Bananamon Flavor Funky Monkey Freeze Dried Fruit: We all know that we are supposed to integrate several servings of fruits and vegetables into our diets every day. Dried fruit is definitely very portable, so I'm always on the lookout for interesting dried fruit options at the store. Funky Monkey distinguishes itself from many dried fruit options in two important ways: (1) the fruit has no added sugar so it is low calorie, and (2) the fruit is combined with other natural flavors (like cinnamon, lime juice, acai) that make it extremely yummy!

qbel chocolate wafer rolls(3) One Milk Chocolate Qbel Chocolate Wafer Roll: QBel Wafers are like pirouline rolls (round crispy/flaky wafers), except these are coated inside with a thin layer of chocolate and then covered with an even more perfect layer of dark chocolate around the outside.

0 calorie flavored water(4) One Cucumber flavored Hint Flavored Water: If you are too busy to make your own naturally flavored water, I have to say Hint water is a very close substitute. The fruit flavor is very subtle, but yummy enough to help me easily drink my 8 cups of water per day. I really like drinking Hint water when it is refrigerated versus warm.

sweet riot chocolate covered cocoa nibs(5) One canister of flavor "65" Chocolate Covered Cocoa Nibs: The sweet riot chocolate covered cocoa nibs are really fabulous, and as much as I adore the other dark chocolate cocoa nibs I've blogged about, I have to say the one serving size container these come in also makes them really cool! What's also cool about the container is that you can re-use it by filling it with small one size servings of nuts, other treats, or even more coca nibs.

The giveaway is very simple. Just leave a comment on this posting about a food (or foods) that you wanted to try but you could not find, *or* a food that I've blogged about that you love. If you leave your comment on this posting between now and Sunday March 29th at 8:00pm, you will be eligible to win the package of the 5 snacks that I've pictured at the top of this posting! I'll choose a winner at random next Monday, March 30th.

Good luck!



Anonymous said...

I want to try the chocolate Better'n Peanut Butter, but I can't find it!

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

I want to try that cacao nibs! :D

Bunny said...

i LOVE trader joe's chocolate wedges, they're soooo delicious.

StephanieSells said...

I want to try the cacao nibs.

Chrissy said...

I'd love to try those Kim & Scott's pizza pretzels you reviewed, I just cannot find them :(

Suzanne said...

I wish that we had PB2 anywhere in Ohio, but alas, we don't :(

Anonymous said...

I want to try low calorie gnocchi, but can't find it!

Chris said...

Every time I go to my local Wholefoods I look for Lizi's Granola...but I can NEVER find it!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try that powdered PB I see all over the blogs but have not been able to find it in stores.

Great giveaway! ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't find the marshmallow treats and am dying to try them!


sjloud at hotmail dot com

Ace said...

Hi Juliet! I wish I could find those vegan pakoras!

Unknown said...

I wanted to try the freeze dryrd fruit you have there

Anonymous said...

Since I live in a small town in Louisiana, you can imagine how few items I am ever able to find . . . we have no Trader Joe's and the nearest Whole Foods is an hour away. I would LOVE to try anything!!! Thanks so much. Emily

Jane Beall said...

I've been trying to track down the Skinny Cow Truffle Bars to no avail! They look so good and I want to try them so bad!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Another awesome giveaway! Congrats on blogging for 10 months--sometimes it can be alot, but the experience is so well worth it will what you discover and people you meet! Hope you have another 10+ great months and more ahead of you.

Anne said...

I agree with Maggie! I can't find the chocolate better n' peanut butter anywhere, either. I really want to try it!

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing "Barney Butter" out there but I have yet to see it in stores around here.

Caterpiller Girl said...

I want to try the cocoa nibs! I have found other brands but haven't found the ones you reviewed yet. I'm not sure my WF carries them. Love your blog by the way!

Pearl said...

i think the cacao nibs look so cool!

hmm a particular food item that i've heard about but can never find? vitatops - they're supposedly carrying them in stores now, but i can never locate them!

and this is another item that may not have been featured on your blog: dutch processed cocoa powder. i heard that dutch processed is the best to use, but i can never find it in stores. does anyone know where i can get it?

Anonymous said...

My Whole Foods used to carry the sweetriot but stopped so I can't find them anymore and they are so good.

Thank you for the giveaway.
tamar at meser dot net

Anonymous said...

I can'f find PB2 anywhere!!!

I have also been looking high and low for those cheese puffs included in your give-a-way!!

Sounds exciting! Thanks for running it :)

Anonymous said...

I love Trader Joe's Fiberful Bars. They're great! Thank you for the opportunity;-)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to find the powdered peanut butter locally but haven't been able to yet. I'm still searching though.

Missy said...

I would love to try the cocoa nibs! I love chocolate and these sound great!!

cglich0630 said...

I have been looking for Attune Probiotic bars and Fage yogurt. I am having a really hard time finding either one. I have seen the yogurt at stores that are a little over an hour away from where I live but nothing closer.

Katie O said...

i am from los angeles but currently i live outside philaldephia any health food products are hard to find here. and the few trader joes and whole foods that exist are not very close trips. i miss all the options in la. and def want to try those cheese puffs you featured!

Unknown said...

LOVE the Kids Cliff Z Bars...esp the chocolate; tastes just like a brownie!

ambrosia said...

I love, I love, I love, I love, I LOOOVVVVEEE Lesser Evil Black and White kettle corn!!! It is sooo delicious!!

Jessica said...

Hi Juliet... I read your site every week, and love to see that we have the same taste in so many yummy foods!

You introduced me to kettle baked chips <3

And I too love figamajigs, but can only get them if I order online.

I hope to win this prize pack. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the CedarLane Fajita Chicken Burritos or some of the treats/bars you get at Trader Joes. My nearest TJ's & Whole Foods is a little over a hour away, so I only get there about twice a year, but I'll have a great list of ideas for when I do go. Thanks so much....

Krissy said...

I've really wanted to try the Cedarlane Fajita Chicken Burrito ever since you wrote about it... but I haven't been able to find it anywhere! I love the beans and cheese version, but the chicken version has been MIA. Hopefully I'll find it soon!

Grace said...

the nibs! gots to be the nibs! i've been looking high and low for those bad boys.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try all these items. I live in a rural community where it is hard to get these specialty items.

Unknown said...

I've been looking for the chocolate wafer rolls and the water. love your site!

Noodlegirl said...

OH yum! I want them all

Shannon said...

Love your site! I can't find the Whole Foods Petite Dark Chocolates or the chocolate Better N' Peanut Butter!

*Heather said...

I want to try the pb and can't find it! ;) Love your site! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am dying to try the chocolate better n peanut butter but can't find it anywhere!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Cocoa Nibs! ( I LOVE chocolate :) )

Melissa said...

I think I am the only person on earth who hasn't tried the WCMN Luna Bar:)

LLLovingMom said...

I can't find the grilled cheese puffs anywhere!!

ElleMigliore said...

I love reading your blog and finding out new products!! You're rigth though that some areas dont carry the amazing snacks you blog about. I can't find 1. the diet cheese puffs, and 2. the chocolate better n' butter PB. I've found the original but i'm eager to try CHOCOLATE!

Anonymous said...

I love PB2!

Melissa said...

I love the Snikiddy grilled cheese puffs even before I became a weight watcher! I am able to find many of the items in my WA state Whole Foods but unfortunately I think the stores in CA are bigger and therefore have more selection. I wish I could get those Crave samosas and Whole Kitchen Potato Rondelet you've spoke of!

Anonymous said...

I would be "super mom" if I could find the grilled cheese puffs. My dd's two favorite foods in one!

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Better'n Peanut butter, obel chocolate and chocolate cocao nibs.

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to try a kind bar. Haven't been able to find it yet..

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the grilled cheese puffs and the chocolate wafer...actually i would like to try all of these things..I have nowhere here that i can find them at. And since i've known of them i havent been able to drive to a bigger city to find them..I broke my ankle and cant go anywhere.

Unknown said...

I finally made it to a Whole Foods more than an hour away but still couldn't find the Pizza Munchees, the CedarLane chicken fajita burrito, sweet riot cacao nibs (although I tried the Kopali kind.. yum!), the Indian pakoras, or cocoa berries (though I knew that one was a long shot). I'd love to try everything in your giveaway!

Nancy said...

I've been wanting to try Barny Butter, but it's not sold in NY.

Anonymous said...

The Thai Kitchen coconut ginger soup is fantastic! Thanks for another great recommendation.

Unknown said...

I've been reading your blog for some time now and have found it very helpful! Thankfully, many of the items that you post are carried by my local Whole Foods and some are at Harris Teeter also. I haven't been able to find those stuffed pizza pretzel thangs ANYWHERE though! I wonder if my area stores just don't carry it or if I am looking in the wrong places. I salivate just thinking about those. Also, your blog turned me on to Bigelow's Eggnogg'n tea ... I bought up at the last few boxes at my area Giant ... yummylicious!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the chocolate figamajigs. I have been looking for them for awhile now.

Jenny said...

i wanted to try pb2 and you have a lot of creative ideas to use it! in tortilla spreads, smoothies..
i just ordered a sample pack of pb2 and pb2chocolate :]

Anonymous said...

sounds good! thanks!!

Betsy said...

There are many foods that you post about that I love and many that I would have to drive far away to get. One thing that I want to try, but I will have to order online is the PB2!

Maia Polson said...

I want to try Gnu bars- I wish they sold them in multipacks like granola bars!

Brownie said...

I LOVE the little dark chocolate bites from Whole Foods. I now have a box permanently parked on my desk at work. What a great find!

Anonymous said...

I wish figamajigs were available at TJ's!

Me said...

I love the Hint water ;-)

L said...

You recently blogged about PB2, and I just found out about and love the stuff! Thanks for all the tips (I'm also a fan of the Sweet Riot chocolate, so am excited about this snack pack)!

Anonymous said...

i really want to try the puffets but can't get them, pb2 sonds awesome as well

The Diva on a Diet said...

I really want to try the Grilled Cheese snacks, but have yet to find them locally.

Carolyn G said...

I would like to try that cucumber water.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could find chocolate Better 'n Peanut Butter. I love the regular stuff. Where oh where is the chocolate?!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I have been very interested in the PB2 you posted about because I love peanut butter!! I find it satisfies my chocolate cravings... but I can't find it anywhere :( so sad.

Unknown said...

Went to Whole foods to find the coacoa nibs & Figamajigs. I like to have something sweet at work to avoid the endless amounts of junk food my company keeps stocked. Alas, no one had heard of Figamajigs, and they told me the coacoa nibs are seasonal, and might not be back :( I would love to try them!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, those Grilled Cheese Puffs sound so yummy! I've never seen them before. I'm new to your site and love it!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness i read your e-mail/blogs like EVERY day! i always get excited to try products and the ones i can't find makes me so upset!!
i wanted to try cocoa nibs, Figamajigs, the peas of mind puffets (those sound DELISH), the pizza munchees and the pizza pretzel i couldn't find and so many more.
i would LOVE to win this snack pack!!

jperonto said...

I've been dying to try the Qbel Chocolate Wafer Rolls, but I haven't found them ANYWHERE! Those are my favorite types of chocolate treats with the crisp wafer. Fage yogurt and PB2 are a staple in my diet, so I loved reading about it in your blog. I love your blog and will continue to check and read up everyday! Thanks!

The Blonde Duck said...

Those pretzels look so good!

lauren said...

I want to try those grilled cheese puffs - never seen them anywhere!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try Figamgies and the Funky Monkey Fruits. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

ummm the cacao nibs sound yummy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being so generous! About a month ago, I went to look for those banana puffets at Whole Foods and was told they didn't carry it. Just today I went to look for those Vitatops and was told the same thing. I told the guy that Vitalicious' website listed Whole Foods as one of their retailers. His reply was, "Oh, really? I don't know then." LOL! Geez.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to sample the dried fruit!! Thanks!

Renee Guest said...

Hey. There are so many thing that i haven't been able to find here in Jackson, MS!!!!!! I started trying to ask some of the grocers to carry the stuff but i have given up! We don't have a Trader Joe's anywhere near here and I know that is where you find a bunch of your things! I would love to try your yummy finds!!! pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No said...

The cacao nibs seem so interesting!

Anonymous said...

I *love* Laughing Cow light cheese wedges that you have written about.
They are so full of flavor and so versatile. I always have some in my fridge.

Ven said...

I want to try the spinach pakoras but can never find it!

Amanda said...

I have so wanted to sample Arnold Sandwhich Thins, but they are not sold in my area!!! =(

Julie said...

Grilled cheese puffs! They sound amazing!

Bride, J.D. said...

I would love to try those 70 calories egg rolls! My Whole Foods doesnt have them!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the Kim and Scott's PIZZA PRETZELS!! fantastico! Canadian grocery stores (not even Whole Foods) do not carry all of the products...would love to try the fat-free cheese that you rave about...

Love reading the blog...keep the recipes coming, I've tried the garlic toast last week. yummy.

p.s.-I would love to try all of those products!

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

I love the Clif Z Bars! I haven't tried any of the foods in your giveaway, but would love to!!

Anonymous said...

i've never tried cacao nibs, but everything sounds so good!

Natalie said...

I'd love to experiment (better yet, FIND) the powdered peanut butter

Whitvia said...

I want to try PURE bars.

annalene said...

aw, how sweet of you to offer suck a generous pack of goodies to a reader! i have never tried anything in there, but they all look sound amazing! the funky monkey freeze dried fruit sounds great, the banana cinnamon combination sounds really tasty.

Anonymous said...

i've been following your blog for awhile now & have tried to find those tofu noodles (20 cal ones) everywhere and can't find them =( =(

autumn398 (at) yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I don't live anywhere near a Trader Joes... but would love to check one out sometime... not that you could bring that to me, just saying!
I love PB2. I went two years without eating peanut butter, and frankly never thought I would again... but I love this stuff! I actually purchased it several months ago, but was too chicken to try it. After I saw your post about it, I broke it out, and I am so glad I did. I have the chocolate one too - it really does taste chocolaty, but I like the plain the best.

L said...

I would really like to try PB2 and nutritional yeast, but I can't find either one. It makes me sad.

Tiff said...

i want to try kellogg's all-bran chocolate rolled wafers! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh lala, I'd LOVE to try the Chocolate Covered Cocoa Nibs! They just sound absolutely delicious. :)

Ashley said...

I've been wanting to try those grilled cheese puffs ever since you first blogged about them

Anonymous said...

I love PB and I kill For try PB2 !!!!

j.d said...

i would love to try the trader joes chocolate wedges and the PB2!! guilty pleasures made innocent? :)

Anonymous said...

I have been dying to try that PB2 stuff! I can't find any by me and I would love to try the idea of mixing in my yogurt mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the cacao nibs have read about them but can't find them anywhere close by!

Katie said...

I can't try ANYTHING from Trader Joe's because I have none near me!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this site! It is much needed and much appreciated! My husband and I have searched the town over for the Cedar Lane Chicken Fajita Burritos. I've just recently conveyed the importance of healthy eating to my husband, but we are constantly searching for easy and healthy things for him to take to work for his lunches. He saw your post and would LOVE to find some! Thanks again for this site! I know it has proven invaluable to us on our journey to live (and consequently) feel much better!!

mortnteach said...

I love Kashi Go Lean Crunch mixed in w/ yogurt. I also buy Cuties and wasabi peas all the time. Love them too! Also have tried Clif and Soy Joy bars...liking the Clif better. I have just discovered edamame and appreciate your ideas on various ways to enjoy it. Have eaten soy nuts for years, but am loving green right out of the shell. I also ahev saved many healthy recipes that I can't wait to try this summer with grilling and picnics. I am a peanut butter NUT and wish I cou;d find PB2 on local store shelves, but no luck. Thanks for this great site!~Allison

Laura said...

Larabar JamFrakas Bars...
I can't find them ='( they look so yummy...!

Rachel Troutt said...

Where I live there aren't any Wholefoods or Trader Joe's readily available (or any other organic-type food stores). I want to try so many of these things but especially the funky monkey fruit!! Thanks!

m said...

I love the low cal meringue cookies, but its hard to find 'em cheap!

junwonilgi said...

I loved your Bettah Banana Bread recipe - I made it and even my husband, who is usually resistant to "healthy things", loved it!

Kelley said...

I'm totally addicted now to Chavrie Goat cheese and Lesser Evil Black and White kettle corn. Thanks!!

Tami@NutmegNotebook said...

Love the Figamajigs and the Qbel wafer rolls.

Anonymous said...

Well, I LOVE pb2 and FAGE! I can't live without Fage now!
Awesome site and give away!!

Anonymous said...

The cucumber water sounds yummy.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try the Hint Water, maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Zane + Nichole said...

Just found your blog this week and I LOVE it!
Already had those low cal nachos, and boy were they excellente! :)

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try that Macadamia White Chocolate Luna bars that ppl are raving about all about the blogs!

Jen said...

OH, oh, oh! I would love to try these products! :)

Unknown said...

i love all those products :) i just wish i could afford hint all the time! (ps- target makes their own version...)

Anonymous said...

PB2 is amazing!!! I've tried it but haven't bought it yet (I heard it's only available online?) Thanks for writing such a nice blog for all us health nuts out there!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try western bagels, but they don't have them around here.

hikerbec said...

I thoroughly enjoy your apple snack where the sliced apple is microwaved with cinnamon. I have shared this numerous times and it's a big hit.

Anonymous said...

I have never been able to find the Western Bagels by me and couldn't justify the shipping charges online!

pinguino said...

i cant find figamajigs!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! LOVE PB2 :D

georgiapeach said...

I Love PB2 ever since I tracked it down last month. I personally think it is better than "regular" peanut butter. What I am searching for in stores is VitaTop muffins. Where are they to be found????

L said...

I've always wanted to try the cocoa berries!

julieated said...

Lifetime Fat-Free Cheese! I wish I could find that around me. And Banana Babies. And Skinny Cow Truffle Bars. And the So Delicious coconut milk yogurt (I'm a coconut lover too). Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

I to try Hint water but I haven't been able to find it. In fact I have not found one item you have mentioned since I joined about a month ago.

I went to a local health food store armed with a 2 page list and after looking for a few minutes finally asked for help and they had none of name brands you have listed.

So I settled for substitutes, but most of them I have not liked...

Anonymous said...

Ive always wanted to try the coacoa nibs!

Unknown said...

I love Indian food and am dying to try some of the low calorie options on your website. Have not had any lucky finding them yet!

Myra said...

I've been dying to try the Cocoaberries, but can't seem to find them anywhere!!! Thanks for all your great info! I really enjoy it!

Maddy said...

I love vitamuffins and just tried them for the first time this week! DELISH!

And I would love to try some Trader Joe's products.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I would love to be able to find PB2, freeze dried fruit, and those stuffed pizza crusts. However, I love dark chocolate adora, fage yogurt (especially with Kashi Go Lean and dried cranberries mixed in), fiberful bars, and gnu bars. Juliet, thanks so much for this great blog. I'm a college student in a rural town who struggles to eat heathfully, and your blog helps me to do so by giving me great ideas to try out.

Gar said...

the QBel Wafers sound sinful yea good for you (chocolate got anti-oxidant, right? "P) Would love to try some!

Low Carb Band-It said...

I'm also trying to find the Better'n PB and the Cheese puffs

Lisamarie said...

Oh my goodness..first I want to say what a great website!! I was searching the net for acai berry supplements to increase energy and to feel better overall. I have been watching what I eat for some time now and it is very hard to find healthful choices in your supermarket. In my search I noticed the funky monkey dried fruit..I was drawn to these because of my sweet tooth..Can you please tell me where to find them?

Elizabeth said...

Hi Lisamarie - they are available at Whole Foods or on amazon. :)

TGGLOAN said...

I am new to dieting and need a lot of help,I have a lot of weight to loose asnd could appreciate the help in keeping on a diet,
Trish L.Loan

Unknown said...

I haven't tried any of these. There are too many things on your site, I don't think I'd be able to try them all in a lifetime!

Kaylee said...

I've never seen any of those snacks. But mm those wafers look yummtastic!

I've always wanted to try 0% Fage yogurt, but alas! My parents can't find it at our local grocery store, and I think even if they did, they wouldn't buy it for me unless it was on sale, lol. Curse being a minor!!

Anonymous said...

Heres another great diet snack really tastes like your cheating they are so good.Slim Pickins muffins www.AllisSlimpickins.com

Anonymous said...

Heres another great diet snack really tastes like your cheating they are so good.Slim Pickins muffins www.AllisSlimpickins.com

Endearingly Eccentric said...

Annie's fruit snacks are a delicious low cal snack. But I must say that that chocolate looks pretty tasty...

Ali Rockwell said...

I have never heard of PB2 or any kind of low calorie peanut butter for that matter, but I am leaving within the next few minutes to run to the grocery store HOPING they will have it. How amazing!

Casie said...

I would love to try these snacks...just have not found any of them

Queens said...

They look so good and I want to try them so bad!

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