The egg rolls I'm referring to are made by a company named Kahiki, and they are really fantastic! They far exceeded my expectations when I first saw them. Despite being so low in calories, they are really big, crispy (they come in a special wrapper that you cook them in to preserve crispiness), and delicious. They even come with little 10 calorie packets of sweet and sour sauce that you can eat with the egg rolls. I was also impressed to see that the outer part of the egg roll is made of healthy wheat flour, instead of one of the less healthy alternatives that is available. The flavor I eat is called "Vegetable" (they are filled with carrots and cabbage), but the egg rolls also come in non-vegetarian flavors as well.
Each egg roll is 70 calories, 2 grams of fat, and 1 gram of fiber (so 1 weight watchers point). The sauce (at 10 calories) is 0 weight watchers points, although if you add the nutritional information together it comes out to 2 weight watchers points (so use your best judgment).
The egg rolls should be pretty easy to find -- they are available at Safeway, Albertsons, Vons and other regular grocery stores.
I love these egg rolls. I actually ate one the other day before going to a restaurant where I knew I'd be tempted by fried food, and it did the trick for me by keeping me satisfied (I ended up ordering a salad and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything). I don't recommend eating foods like this every day of course, but they are a worthy splurge every once in a while.
nice and healthy treat for when we need some fried-kind of food! :D
Oh yum, I will definitely be on the lookout for these!
How big are they? Are they bite size? They look so tasty!
They are pretty big. I think around 3+ inches. They are packed in the box in the long direction.
What a great recommendation, Juliet! I love egg rolls but rarely eat them, since I try to avoid fried food. These look like the perfect compromise ... short of making my own and baking them, which I have done on occasion. You've reminded me that I should dig that recipe out and post it. Thanks!
Those would be perfect for Ben! A great little snack! Thanks for sniffing these out!
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That looks like the kind of food that's great to eat drunk. For some reason these foods become really appealing when I drink... hehe.
On your recommendation, I went searching for these, and found them at the Big Y in Connecticut. I'm so glad I did! They are delicious and filling. A little expensive, but there are coupons on the website and more coupons on the box. I'm always willing to pay more for food that is good and good for my diet!
Oh wow - good find. I love egg rolls but avoid them due to the carbs and cals. Def. something for me to look for next trip to the grocery store.
These Kahiki egg rolls are fabulous. I am keeping off 80 pounds that I lost for 3 years now. These Kahiki egg rolls are an amazing delightful treat!!! Try them now, plus there is a coupon in the box!
These are definitely good if you're craving something fried. The veggies inside are no more than 3-5 calories. So you're basically paying for 3 eggrolls at $3 a box for a greasy crust. Don't know if I'll buy it again because it has no nutritional value. But again if you're craving something fried this will do it for you.
I love these egg-rolls,specially when im craving Chinese food. Kahiki entree's are also good. Better for you than the real thing.
I love the kahaki vegetable eggrolls but I noticed that they chandged the calories from 70 to 80 Making the weight watchers 2 points per eggroll rather than one. But Im hooked because even though they are frozen they ar delicious. So i guess on the days when I splurge i will have to cut that point from somewhere else ...no biggie.. Happy eating!
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