This fajita chicken burrito was actually really tasty and satisfying! It consisted of a wheat tortilla filled with chicken, monterey jack cheese, brown rice, beans, chilis, corn, jalapenos, and other delicious spices. The burrito might seem small relative to the burritos that get sold at Mexican restaurants these days, but all-in-all, it was quite filling!
In terms of calories, the burrito was 310 calories, 8 grams of fat, 4 grams of fiber, and 15 grams of protein, so 6 weight watchers points.
Cedar Lane foods are carried at many natural food stores and can also be bought online from their website. In case you were wondering, this burrito comes in two other similar flavors: Tequila Lime Flavored Chicken Burrito as well as Low Fat Chicken Burrito. Cedar Lane also makes other non-chicken burritos as well (the pizza veggie wrap looks really good!), I just haven't had the fortune of finding them yet. :) I'm looking, though!
I'd love to see what's inside that package!!! :)
nice - i will have to be on the lookout for these!
This sounds sooo good to me right now. Maybe I'll have to make something Mexican for dinner! :)
I love burritos!!! I'm actually making some for dinner!
Never heard of them! Now I want a burrito. Yummy.
Thanks for the review! I've had a few Cedar Lane products and really enjoyed them. I'd be curious to know how you think these burritos compare to Amy's burritos. The weight watcher points are pretty similar so this might be a good option for me to try something different when I'm craving a burrito!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving an answer to my question! I'll have to try these, and, hopefully, I will spot them the next time I'm at Whole Foods. It's always good to have more healthy and delicious quick foods in the arsenal, and I always keep something on hand for a Mexican food emergency!
Thanks again!
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