Allegro Coffee just came out with a delicious dark hot drinking chocolate. I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate both because of its deep chocolatey taste as well as the health benefits like lowering blood pressure and protecting against heart disease. The flavor I bought is called Ghana 80, meaning that the Cocoa beans are from Ghana, and that it is very dark chocolate. Two tablespoons of the chocolate (1 serving) are 90 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 4 grams of fiber, making it *amazingly* only 1 weight watchers point. That means you can combine 2 tablespoons of this chocolate with 1 cup of almond milk, for a not-artificially-sweetened 130 calorie, 2 WW point hot chocolate. Yum! Or, you could mix it with a cup of water for a 1 point hot drink. Also, if you are really in the mood for a treat, you can top your drink with a bit of low calorie whipped topping.
In case you are wondering, this chocolate mix is not bitter at all. I think this company combined the intense dark chocolate cocoa (80%) with the perfect amount of sugar, making it quite tasty and delicious, without being bitter at all. Now the bad news, this stuff is not cheap. A whole box is about $9, although it contains 17 high-quality & filling servings.
PS. I wanted to point those of you experiencing cold winters to a really delicious extremely low calorie carrot soup recipe that I posted to my blog a few months ago. It is both delicious and healthy, as well as an excellent comfort food for a cold night.
Mmmmm..... nothing like a hot cup of chocolate (with a few cookies on the side) on a cold winter night. Great post. You reminded me that I need to get some hot chocolate mix. Thanks Juliet.
Ooo Low calorie hot chocolate- sounds delicious!
I like my low cal hot chocolate----but it is one of those foods there Ill pick the full fat any day over the LF and just have it less often :)
love hot chocolate in winter time! Thanks for sharing.
the package looks cute! ^_^
Low calorie hot cocoa sounds great! Thanks for the review!
I need to get some of this for my husband. He loves hot chocolate and this would be a great treat for his diet. Thanks!
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I drink hot chocolate like water in the winter. lol Being in Michgan, it gets FREEZING! (oh, how I envy) hehe I also love Motts sugar-free apple cider. And that's only 15 calories with no fat. :)
Thanks so much for this great recommendation, Juliet! I'm a huge fan of hot chocolate and have been missing it since becoming "the diva on a diet!" I recently gave some sugar-free cocoa a try and *hated* it. I'm going to pick up some of this and give it a try with the almond milk. What a great idea! :)
You had me at "chocolate"
Wonderful find. You're right - diet hot chocolate is disgusting!
This is the greatest hot chocolate ever. I really really do not like regular hot chocolate (too sweet for my tastes), but Allegro's hot chocolate is amazing. I only like the Ghanan and the Equadorian... both are low sugar and calories, read the label before you consider the other ones... they are not all low sugar.
Anyway to have healthy chocolate is fine with me, diet hot chocolate doesn't have to taste bad
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