The only drawback of tea, from my point of view, is that it stains your teeth, which is a huge bummer. To combat that, I've started bleaching my teeth to help whiten them up and remove the tea stains. We'll see how that goes...
Now, I realize the holidays are almost behind us, but I just couldn't help but quickly blog about two holiday teas that I love. If you are lucky, you can find these teas at your local grocery stores (hopefully on sale).
The first tea is made by Celestial Seasonings and is called Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride. Yes, sugar cookie tea! Now, I can't say drinking a glass of this tea is as good as eating a sugar cookie, but if you combine the tea with a couple of tablespoons of some soy milk or rice milk, it makes a really great and satisfying warm drink.
The second tea is made by Bigelow and is called Eggnog'n. The name speaks for itself -- it is egg nog flavored tea. For those of you that don't have time to make your own low calorie egg nog, this is a great way to get your eggnog fix. The tea is not thick like egg nog (especially when made with water), but its aroma and taste are very similar to that of eggnog (nutmeg, etc.). I actually tried combining a bag of the eggnog'n tea with some warm almond milk and it came out pretty tasty.
I bought the sugar cookie tea at Whole Foods, and after looking all over town for it, I found the egg nog tea on sale at Safeway (not in the tea aisle, it was being featured at the end of a random aisle). I bought two boxes so I now have a decent sized stash. :)
And, for those of you that want to forget about the holidays (and holiday teas), I still highly recommend Good Earth's Sweet and Spicy Herbal Tea -- by far, my all time tea favorite!!
Crest White Strips. They really work. No lie.
Also, don't go to the dentist to get 'em whitened. Hurts real bad 'cause the whitening solution gets on your gums, resulting in a lovely burning sensation.
Those teas sound AWESOME. I'm trying to make my way over to coffee occasionally instead of so much diet pop. We'll see how that goes. ;)
The company that makes the eggnog tea also makes pumpkin spice and apple cider tea. Really good stuff.
Eggnogg'n is a fabulous tea. Add a little bit of milk and it tastes like the real deal ... without all the extra calories!!
I agree with Mandapants - Crest White Strips are miracle workers.
I can't find either of those teas anywhere!! I've been looking for the past month now! Everytime I go foodshopping I check but no luck! Where did you get yours?
I am drinking the sugar cookie tea right now while I catch up on everyone's blog.
I can't find the other one around here anywhere.
Deb & Megan: Keep looking! :) I had almost given up myself and then there it was right in front of me at Safeway of all places. Good luck!!
Corey: I am going to try to find the pumpkin spice and apple cider -- yum!
Tea sounds really good right now! Great tips!
Love the eggnoggin tea! I found it a while ago at a discount store, but more recently at my local Safeway.
I have searched every supermarket the past few months for the sugar cookie tea but could never find it. I finally found it last week at my local farmers market(of all bizarre places!).
Oh dear...tea stains your teeth? I didn't know that. And I drink tea ALL THE TIME. Thanks for sharing - really needed to know this!
Yes! I agree with Madapants- Crest White Strips really do work well!
I'm not a big tea drinker but the egg nog variety sounds lovely!
I love the Sugar Cookie Tea!! Although the Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane is my most favorite tea in the world. I bought two boxes this year, because I was trying so hard to conserve it this past year, hehe.
Happy New Year!
I love both of these teas even when there is no holiday in sight!!!!
Sleigh Ride Sugar Cookie tea is WONDERFUL! When it debuts on shelves in mid-November I stock up hard core!! I must have like 8 boxes sitting in my pantry right now - awesome! Oh and the best part is that I live in Boulder, where Celestial Seasoning's HUB is! YAY for Free Tours!
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