Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lydia's Organic Tropical Mango Bar

tropical mango coconut low calorie barFirst of all, feel free to laugh at me for the picture that is associated with this post today. I really wanted to blog about this bar that I love called "Tropical Mango Bar", but I simply can't snap a great picture of it. So the picture you see is the one that the company (Lydia's Organics) has on their web site. I guess the picture makes sense for the most part, since the bar's ingredients include *only* bananas, coconut and mango (all pictured), as well as pineapple (not pictured), but I'm not entirely sure where the statue comes in. But I digress... :)

This bar is really tasty if you like the taste of the tropical fruits that I mentioned above. It is totally raw, vegan, gluten-free, organic, and oil free. It only has fruit in it! But, unlike other fruit-only bars, it is hard, thick, and crunchy rather than fruity and chewy, making it quite filling (I actually find the taste to be pretty strong). The consistency reminds me a bit of a granola bar (I'm always on the lookout for great low calorie granola by the way!).

In terms of calories, the bar is 43g and has only 110 calories, 7 grams of fat (healthy fat from the coconut), 3 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of protein (so 2 weight watchers points). It also has 10% of the RDA of Vitamin C which is an added plus. I buy these bars at Whole Foods, but I see it is also available in a bunch of natural food stores in various states.



  1. I like tropical flavors, specially mango and pineapples. I'll try to find it here.

  2. thanks so much for the comment on my blog- it helped me to find yours!
    what a great collection of info.. i'm excited to keep reading :D

  3. The photo is cute!! :0)

    Looks like an interesting bar.

  4. I've had that bar and I LOVE it! It's delicious over yogurt.
