But alas, the people at Ian's must have realized that there are people like me in the world, because they created little 100 calorie pouches of *organic* and *all natural* cheddar crackers that look and taste just like cheez-its. Technically they are marketed to kids, but I think they are also marketed to those (like me) who have a kid inside of us that wants to eat crackers like these. Plus a picture of cartoon animal on the front of a box never stopped me from eating something. :)
A pouch of these crackers is 100 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber, and 2 grams of protein (so 2 weight watchers points). They obviously aren't the most nutritious food/snack in the world, but they are a great substitute for that occasional cheez-it craving.
By the way, Ian's makes some delicious little low calorie cookies called cookie buttons as well!
Well I will be honest here... I stumbled across your blog... and now I love it. I am so happy. I am defintely going to be a regular. These little crackers sound pretty good... great for a quick snack.
thanks for sharing
I had the non-cheese variety and they were really good!
i need to show these to my mom and sister. they honestly eat one box of Cheezits every day between the two of them. they say it's an addiction haha
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