I often read articles about vegan eating or raw food diets that I find very intriguing, but at the end of the day, I have trouble integrating these diets into my busy lifestyle. Unfortunately for my eating life, I have a demanding day job as a product manager in high tech, and when I'm not working hard, I like to spend my time working out at the gym (or blogging!). Also, history has told me that I am not good at planning ahead when it comes to food (I always get hungry at weird times and end up messing up my food plan). Still - I strive to balance my eating of "better for me" packaged foods, with eating tons of vegetables, fruits (sometimes frozen, like with frozen bananas), and nuts, as well as other "raw foods". When I eat more raw foods I find that I feel more full and have fewer hunger swings, which is a good thing!
I recently began shopping more carefully and more frequently in the "extra healthy" raw food aisle at my local Whole Foods. That is where I found the yummy Huuraw 40 calorie chips, as well as the Go Raw Banana "Bread" Flax Bar that I'm blogging about today.
If the banana bar looks big in the picture, it is because it is quite large and flat (1.2 oz), and amazingly filling at only 120 calories (and 2 weight watchers points). The only ingredients in the bar are sprouted organic flax seeds, organic banana, organic unsulphured coconut, and organic dates, which contribute to its 5 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat. The label boasts that this bar is wheat free, gluten free, cholesterol free, has no added sugar, was made by hand, uses no GMOs and is 100% organic, so clearly it has a lot going for it.
I often take one of these banana bars to work, and I eat it across a few sittings in the afternoon (they are quite filling, with their rich banana flavor). While the bar does not have the consistency of banana bread (which I love, but sadly I only rarely let myself eat), its taste is definitely reminiscent.
Lastly, if you don't like banana flavored foods, these bars come in other flavors (I haven't yet tried them) including: Live Granola, Live Pumpkin, Live Flax, & Spirulina Energy.
As I mentioned, I found these at Whole Foods but I see on the Go Raw site that they are available at other stores as well.
This bar actually is more caloric than you think, because they consistently are about 1/3 bigger than the serving size.