Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"HuuRaw" Totally Raw, Low Calorie Chips

Huuraw low calorie raw chipsI recently discovered some completely raw chips in the "extremely natural foods" aisle at Whole Foods. They looked interesting so I turned them over and was overjoyed by the calorie information -- 1 oz (28g) of chips for 40 calories, 2.5g of fat, and 2g of fiber! So, basically, one serving of these chips is only 1 weight watchers point (and extremely low in calories) vs. tortilla chips which are usually 2-3 WW points for the same size serving. It is amazing what happens when you don't add oil to a food to prepare it!

According to the label, these chips are made from completely natural and entirely raw ingredients (you can see all the ingredients in the picture I took to the left - they are totally vegan and gluten free). I guess the company that makes them combines the ingredients and then somehow dehydrates them, instead of cooking them like other chips.

Well, I decided to buy the Carrot Curry flavor (they also come in a bell pepper flavor as well as a kale/lime cilantro flavor), since I love carrots and I am also a big fan of curry flavoring. The raw carrot curry chips are really thick, extremely filling, very savory, and they taste really healthy and vegetable-like. Calling them a chip is a bit of a misnomer, as I think they are quite unique in their consistency and their taste, and should probably be placed in a class of their own. I personally really like them, and I think they make a great low cal snack food. If you are interested in trying to eat more raw foods, and are generally open to trying something different you should definitely consider trying these chips out.

It appears from the Thrivin' Edibles site that these chips are mostly available in stores that are in California (and I've heard rumors they are available at Albertsons, although I've never personally seen them there). However, it also looks like you can order them directly if you desire. Integrating raw foods into my otherwise busy lifestyle wherever I can always makes me feel healthier (and really full!), even if I am not eating them all the time.



  1. These flavors sound really delicious. I've had almond/flaxseed raw crackers before that were good. I'll start looking for these.

  2. Where can I order these? (I've been searching the internet with no luck..)

  3. Hi. When I wrote the post they were available to be purchased from the Huuraw site (there is a link in the post) but I don't see it today. I do see the owner's name and email address (chef patti). I remember her being very friendly. I suggest you emailing her directly to see if she can ship you some!
