Friday, August 29, 2008

Amy's Organic Toaster Pops - Like Apple Pie!

amy's organic apple pie toaster popsThe other day I heard this story on the radio where they compared two sets of dieters who ate the same amount of calories every day, but different sized meals. One group ate a 600 calorie breakfast (I know, pretty amazing) and the other group ate a more normal breakfast. The result they quoted was staggering: the group that ate the big breakfast lost ~20% of their weight, whereas the other group only lost ~4%.

As someone who usually eats a very small breakfast during the work week (I generally eat a 2 weight watchers point breakfast), I was both shocked and intrigued. Could this really be true? Well, I can't say that I'm going to find out by eating a 600 calorie breakfast (I'd barely be able to eat anything else for the rest of the day), but I am considering shifting around when I eat what, in an effort to see if this might work for me. My guess is that this is one of those things that probably works really well for some, and less well for others.

I realize that giving up dessert (and eating something more dessert-like in the mornings) would allow me to eat a bit more for breakfast, and less calories during the day. So, this is my plan, at least for a few days, to see how it goes. Which brings me to a food recommendation for today... Amy's "could almost be mistaken for apple pie" Toaster Pops!

As you know, I love Amy's foods. I've posted before about her soups as well as her soy macaroni and cheese (by the way, I recently discovered that she makes a yummy gluten free mac and cheese as well!). Amy delivers great taste and a wonderful breakfast through her organic, vegan, Toaster Pops that taste so good (the outside is like pie crust, the inside is like apple pie filling) it is difficult to believe that each one only has 150 calories! Each Toaster Pop is 3 WW points (a bit of a bigger weekday breakfast for me, without going crazy), and is well balanced with whole wheat ingredients, real organic apples, and only 3.5 g of fat, 6g of sugar, and 4g of protein.

If you are trying to keep your breakfasts less than 3 weight watchers points, than you might want to consider eating these as a 3 WW point dessert or snack with some fat free whipped cream. They are totally scrumptious. I usually buy Amy's at Whole Foods, but I've also seen them available at some Safeways.


1 comment:

  1. I love these! I put a serving of PB2 on top as frosting and it makes an amazing snack!
