Shopping Tip: When shopping for bread, make sure you pay attention to fiber content, and serving size. Comparing a two slice serving to a one slice serving might lead you to make a bad choice. Also, watch out for "enriched wheat flour". What this really means is not enriched, aka, they took out all the good stuff. I'm not a scientist but you can read about this other places on the web. Enriched sounds good, but trust me, it isn't.
I love this bread and also their hamburger buns(2 healthy points).
I double checked my numbers
100/1.5/3 on my ww points calculator and it comes out to 2. The calculator lets you put in 1.5 vs. using the slider which might give the 1 result?
If there was one more gram of fiber it would be 1. I actually emailed them to ask if they could reformulate it with 4 gramsof fiber or only 1 gram of fat so it would be a true 1 point. I got no response.
I am very anal about calculating points and very exact my food scale measurements--however I have earned the bragging right I think., :) I have maintained my lifetime WW membership over 5 years after losing 100+ poiunds.
You are right. I was using an old calculator and I used 1 for fat instead of 1.5. I've adjusted my blog posting accordingly and now I have the new ruler! Congrats on your weight loss by the way!
Thanks Juliet! I glad I found your blog-good stuff!
nice article about weight loss. i mostly don't prefer dieting for weight loss. the best way to loss weight is, keeping out of fat and doing exercise.
Thanks for posting this. Awesome idea!Bread and cold drink are really enemy for weight looser.
When selecting a low calorie or low fat plan, make sure you are consuming a balanced and complete diet.
All right, you've inspired me to try this.
Thanks for the in-depth article. I can tell you put a lot of work into this one. Thumbs way up.
that's really a fantastic post ! added to my favourite blogs list.. I have been reading your blog last couple of weeks and enjoy every bit. Thanks.
Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.
its such a great practice isnt it? I'm sure quitting coffee helped 2.
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